Monday, May 12, 2008

Letter to Susan Davis

Jack Halpain
4250 Mt. Henry Ave.
San Diego, CA 92117

Susan Davis
53 district rep.
1526 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Susan Davis,
You are a fantastic representative. My name is Jack Halpain I am in sixth grade at High Tech Middle Media Arts in San Diego, CA. I think this letter is important because it is coming from two sixth grade classes and not some class of high school kids because it is more effective from kids. I am sending you this letter about renewable energy because I would like you to change some of the laws so that big companies in San Diego have to use at least forty percent renewable energy. I am helping the environment in school by building a Biomass generator and windmills. We are going to install the windmills on the roof. Then do a presentation of it. It would be amazing if you could come, but I have a feeling your to busy but if you can email me back at My teacher, Mr. Kyle Wagner and Ms. Stacey Lopaz would be stoked if you came. I would also be very exited to meet one of our great representatives.

Jack D. Halpain